A scientific refereed journal published regularly every three months by the Oussoul Eddine Faculty, Emir Abdelkader University for Islamic Sciences, Constantine. It is concerned with publishing research and articles in Islamic, human and social sciences. It receives national and international scientific works in three languages, Arabic, French and English, and aims to:
Disseminating and encouraging the researchers and scholars production oof various groups, especially research related to the national and Arab cultural and social environment and contemporary priority issues related to Islamic sciences.
Encouraging authentic, realistic and contemporary Quranic and hadith studies.
It encourages intellectual studies, as well as studies in the field of the history of religions and the comparison of religions to achieve acquaintance and dialogue between members of the human community, and the correct definition of the Islamic message. It is interested in advocacy, media and communication studies, especially those that serve the Islamic message. Encouraging jurisprudence studies that address issues at the core of contemporary human needs.