National Cooperation with :
  • National Agency for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship (NASDE), October 8th, 2024
  • Judicial Council of Constantine with Universities of Constantine 29/11/2020
  • Mohammed Boudiaf University of Masila on 22/12/2020
  • Directorate of Mujahideen - Constantine 18/03/2010 for three years renewed on 16/04/2017
  • Hamah Lakhdar University - El Oued 17/12/2013 for five years with the possibility of review, renewed on 08/10/2019 for five years
  • Directorate of Religious Affairs and Waqf Constantine on 05/04/2016, for three years automatically renewed
  • Research in Social and Cultural Anthropology Centre -Oran, concluded on: November 9 th , 2016 for five years. The cooperation is automatically renewed.
  • Abbes Laghrour University - Khenchela, concluded on: March 1 st , 2017 for five years. The cooperation is automatically renewed.
  • Constantine 3 University - Constantine, concluded on: March 2 nd , 2017 for five years. The cooperation is automatically renewed.
  • Constantine University 2 in Constantine on 02/03/2017 for five years automatically renewed
  • University Chadli Bendjedid – El-Tarf on 17/07/2017 for five years automatically renewed.
  • General Directorate of National Archives – Algiers on 20/08/2017 for a duration that is not defined.
  • Center of Research in Islamic Sciences and Civilizations –Laghouat, on 24/12/2017 for five years automatically renewed.
  • University of Algiers 1, Benyoucef Benkhedda in Algiers on 17/05/2018 for five years automatically renewed.
  • University of Batna 1, Hajj Lakhdar in Batna on 16/10/2018 for three years subject to be implicitly renewed .
  • Ahmed Drarya University – Adrar on 10/12/2018 for five years automatically renewed.
  • University Center Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Wansharisi Tissemsilt 01/10/2019 for five years automatically renewed.
  • Ghardaia University in Ghardaia on17/10/2019 for five years, automatically renewed.
  • Frères Mentouri University - Constantine 1-on 28/10/2019 for five years, automatically renewed.
  • Directorate of Solidarity and Social Action Constantine on 16/01/2020 for five years, automatically renewed
  • the National Office of Pelerinage and Omra « ONPO » - Algiers 16/02/2020 for three years, renewable
  • The High Islamic Council
  • Ecole Normale Superieure El Katiba Assia Djebar
  • Al Salam Bank of Algeria

More ...

International Cooperation with :
  • Islington Centre for English , October 9th, 2024
  • Al Asmarya University of Islamic Sciences – Zliten in Libya, on 18/03/2009, for three years with an automatic renewal.
  • Zaytouna University Tunisia on 28/03/200 for three years, with an automatic renewal.
  • The University of Cadiz Spain on 07/06/2010 for three years, with an automatic renewal.
  • The European Institute of Humanities in Paris - France, concluded on: November 30 th , 2010 for three years, renewed on January 1 st , 2017 for five years.
  • Darussalam University – Indonesia, concluded on: June 8 th , 2014 for five years. The cooperation is automatically renewed and it is in force.
  • Marmara University - Turkey September 10 th , 2014 for a renewable period of five years. The Turkish side was contacted to renew the cooperation.
  • Management School in Strasbourg - France,concluded in: July, 2014 for a year. The; cooperation is automatically renewed and it is in force.
  • Dar Al Mandumah Company Saudi Arabia on April 29 th,2015 for 10 years. Valid
  • Tafareti University in Saharawi Republic on 17 /04/ 2016 for three years renewable
  • Fatih Sultan Mehmet University in Istanbul -Turkey -on 05/05/2016 for five years automatically renewal. Valid
  • Yunus Emre Institute in Turkeyon on 04/09/2016 for four years automatically renewal.
  • Manisa University in Turkey on 20/03/2018 for five years renewable
  • Mouta University - Jordan – on 10/03/2021 for five years renewable


Scientific Events :
  • Organization of a doctoral training lecture on "Quantitative and Qualitative Research"

  • Organization of a Remotely formative scientific symposium entitled " Media Freedoms according to New Legislation - E-Journalism as a Model"
  • Project of Collaborative Book Creation entitled” Islamic Banking In Algeria Between Reality And Challenges "


The vice-rector's word

The Vice-rectorate in charge of External Relations,Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events is one of the four vice-rectorates of the university. It was created by the joint ministerial decree on Rajab 8 th , 1425HA, corresponding to August 24 th , 2004, specifying the University’s administrative organization, the faculty, the institute, the university annex, as well as the common offices. The decree was published in the Official Journal of the people’s democratic republic of Algeria, issue 62, on Shaaban 11 th , 1425HA, corresponding to September 26 th , 2004. It specifies the functions of the vice-rectorate incharge of External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events, as follows:
-Upgrading the university's relations with its social and economic environment and initiating partnership Programmes;.
- Instigating any activity aimed at promoting inter- university exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education and scientific research;
- Carrying out animation and communication works.
- Organizing and promoting scientific events;
- Ensuring monitoring the Programmes of improving and updating the lecturers' information and ensuring their consistency.



Call for Applications: Chinguitt Prize 2025.





Call for Applications for the TICAD-8 African Scholarship Programme





Open of applications for available vacant positions at the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).


For more details,
please visit the application page




Scholarship Offer from the Mauritian Government - 2025

Correspondence Scholarship Offer from the Mauritian Government - 2025




Scholarship Programme from the Chinese Government for the Academic Year 2025/2026



Call for Applications: China Scholarship
China Scholarship 2025–2026



Offer of American Fulbright Scholarships

Announcement Correspondence



Announcement of Applications for the ITEC Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme 2024

Announcement: Applications are now
open for the ITEC 2024 Programme



Training Programme Offered by the Chilean Agency for International Development Cooperation

Correspondence Announcemen



Scholarships Offered by Helwan University




Offre de formation de l’université
de l’industrie et du commerce du Vietnam

Correspondence Announcement



Training Programme “Singapore Cooperation Programme”(SCP)




Scholarships Allocation for the Benefit of Algerian Students in Saudi Universities


CRUEST - Saudi Arabian Scholarships Registration Website Link



Researcher Connect British Council Algeria (for Assistant Professors, Class B)

Correspondence Program for Assistant Professors, Class B

Form Table



Researcher Connect British Council Algeria (for Vice-Rectors and Deputy Directors in charge of External Relations)

Correspondence Program for Vice-Rectors and Deputy Directors

Form Table



Training Offer from St. Kliment Ohridski University, Bulgaria

Correspondence Application Form Copy of the Offer



Platform " ENRICH in Africa "





Application for the forty-second session of the Abdul Hameed Shoman Arab Researchers Award





Scholarship from the Romanian Government for the academic year 2024/2025





The University of Indonesia Offers “UI GREAT” and “UI SHINE” Scholarship Programs

Correspondence Scholarship Programs




The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) for Young Talent Programs 2024





Scholarship programmes from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development )AECID(

Announcement Correspondence




International Imam Hatip High School Scholarship Program

Announcement Correspondence




Scholarship Programme from the Romanian Government for the academic year 2024/2025






Interview Report for the Ambassador of Malaysia in Algeria





The Hungarian Government Scholarship programme for the academic year 2024 /2025

Fiche de contrôle de conformité réglementaire de candidature




Announcement of a Chinese Government Scholarship for the academic year 2024/2025



Instructions and Requirements Interpolation Scholarship
Foreigner Physical Examination Form




Announcement to university students on the organization of the International Software Competition


Announcement Registration Link




Announcement of Scholarship Programme in India


Announcement Correspondence



Scholarship from the State of Mexico


Scholarship offer in the state of Mexico



Pakistan Technical Institutes Scholarship for the academic year 2023/2024


Scholarship offer in the state of Pakistan



Announcement of The Arab Scientific Community Association Prize 2023


Announcement Correspondence



Announcement of Marie Curie Initiative Postdoctoral Scholarship for 2023


Announcement Correspondence



Announcement of Scholarship from The Republic of Kazakhstan


Announcement Correspondence



Announcement of Malaysian e-Learning scholarship


Announcement Correspondence See more



The Islamic Development Bank Scholarship Programmes ISDB


Announcement Correspondence See more



Indonesian Scholarship Programme - International Student year (ISS) 2023


Announcement Correspondence




Romanian Government Scholarship Programme for the academic year 2023/2024


Announcement Correspondence




Marmara Convention Announcement






Announcement of candidacy for the scholarship offer at Italian E- CAMPUS University


Announcement Correspondence




Announcement of the renewing scholarship abroad process for the year 2023-2024 (residential training abroad).


Announcement Pedagogical progression follow-up form (in Arabic)

Pedagogical progression follow-up form (in French)

Pedagogical progression follow-up form (in English)




Indian Scholarship Programme


Announcement Correspondence




Announcement of Scholarship Programme in Maritime law


Announcement Correspondence




Scholarship for non-Saudi students at King Saud University in Riyadh


Announcement Correspondence




Announcement of the King Faisal Prize for Islamic Studies for 1445H/2024






Announcement of the Programme
"Study of the States Institutes (SUSI)
for Scholars for 2023"


Announcement Attached form




Announcement of publication in African Union Echo Magazine(AU Echo)







Announcement of a Chinese Government Scholarship for the academic year 2023/2024







Ranking university journals according to the accreditation criteria of the "ARCIF" factor


The Journal of Emir Abdelkader University of Islamic Sciences

Shari'a and Economics Journal.

El-Meiar Journal.



Announcement of the opening of applying for training abroad for the fiscal year 2022



Announcement of admission procedures to Egyptian universities




Announcement of applying for The African University scholarship




Middle East University scholarship announcement




Announcement of Master's Programmes at Yarmouk University




Announcement of application for vacant positions at the African Union


Announcement Correspondence



Announcement of the opening of applications for the Prize of the best master's thesis and the best doctoral dissertation of the year 2022 in the field of fundamental and applied sciences


Announcement Prize Terms



Indonesia scholarship Programme


Announcement Correspondence




Romanian Government Scholarship Programme for 2021/ 2023






Prize of the Best Doctoral Dissertation in Legal and Judicial Sciences for the year 2022





Announcement of the International competition of young people experimentations for 2022






Announcement of UNESCO Silk Roads Programme for Young Researchers


Announcement Correspondence




Announcement of Application for the UNESCO Chairs Programme


Announcement Application terms Application Forms




Announcement of an offer of training scholarship at The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier for the academic year 2022/2023


Announcement Correspondence




The signing of a cooperation agreement settled on March 14 th , 2022, between Emir Abdelkader University of Islamic Sciences - Constantine and the Ecole Normale Supérieure Assia Djebar - Constantine.






Scholarship offer Announcement of the Renmin University of China

- The Chinese University announces scholarship for international students offered by the Changyang Institute of Financial Studies for Master's degree in English with specialization in Contemporary Chinese Studies, starting September 2022.

Announcement See more




Egypt-Japan University Scholarship Program

- The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Algeria announces that Egypt-Japan University Prizes 150 postgraduate scholarship in African countries for three years. 50 scholarship each year during the 2020/2022 term, including study fees, accommodation and air tickets, in addition to health insurance and a monthly salary.

Announcement See more




Announcement of the Chinese government scholarship Programme for the academic year 2022/2023

- The Chinese government announces the offer of 30 scholarship for students wishing to individually pursue their higher studies (Master's degree and Doctorate) in China. Applicants registered on the digital platform are selected.

Announcement See more




Announcement of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) scholarship programme for the academic year 2022/2023 .

- Embassy of Hungary announces Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) scholarship programme at Szent István University in Hungary for the academic year 2023/2022

See more




Announcement of the Republic of Serbia scholarship Programme

- The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia announces the offer of scholarship for students from member states of the Non-Aligned Movement. In this context, the Serbian government grants a scholarship to an Algerian student to prepare a master's degree or Doctorate in one of the Serbian universities..

See more




Announcement of the Republic of Azerbaïdjan scholarship Programme

- The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan announces four (04) scholarship in Doctorate and Master's Degree and Medical Degree.

See more




Turkish scholarship Programme Announcement for the year 2022

- The Turkish government announces the scholarship programme for the year 2022 for students and researchers from all over the world at the bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. degrees.

See more




Romanian Scholarship Announcement Programme for the academic year 2022/2023

- The Romanian Government announces scholarship programme for foreigners from non- European Union states for the academic year 2022/2023

See more




Announcement of application for scholarship in the Republic of Mauritius for the academic year 2022/2023

- The Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius announces scholarship for the students from African Union member states. 05 students are nominated in bachelor's, 05 in master's and 05 in doctorate.

See more




Announcement of scholarship programme from the Hungarian Government for the academic year 2022/2023

Announcement See more




Announcement of scholarship from Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies

Announcement See more




General programme of the University’s Scientific Activities (Faculties and Scientific Research Laboratories) for the academic year 2021/2022

See more




Scholarship from the Republic of Austria for the academic year 2022/2023

- The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Scientific Research of the Republic of Austria announces scholarship for the academic year 2022/2023, for students wishing to pursue high studies (Masters-PhD). More information on this programme can be found in the website mentioned in the correspondence... More

See more




Vacancy notice for Director (Class D-1) at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (France)


See more




Announcement of an call for application for the position of project manager at PRIMA Foundation


Announcement See more




Announcement of scholarship from The African University

- The African University announces the offer of scholarship for the academic year 2021/2022, in master’s degree and doctorate, in the fields of:

  • - Water, Energy and Climate Change.
  • Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation
  • - Life, Earth, Health and Agricultural Sciences.
The deadline for submitting applications is July 30 th , 2021. For more information on these scholarships, please consult the link

Announcement See more




Announcement of the International Forum of Municipalities of the BRICS Countries


The Federal Embassy of Russia in Algeria announces the International Forum of Municipalities of the BRICS Countries, held in Russia on "Challenges of Sustainable Development and International Cooperation of Municipalities of BRICS Countries as a compass in a changing world", The Russian Federation invites Algeria to participate in the session of 2021

Announcement See more




UNESCO announcement of the boch juan Prize 2021 edition


Announcement See more




Announcement of an international call for participation in projects on 19.2 COVID


Announcement See more




Announcement of the International Student Entrepreneurship Competition

- The “Agence universitaire de la Francophonie” announces the organization of the international student entrepreneurship competition to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among young people, “60 seconds to persuade”, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of its creation. It is aimed at students registered for the 2020/2021 academic year, to present their projects in 60 seconds via video technology. The call for applications is open until June 26 th , 2021. For more information, please access the e-link mentioned herein... More

Announcement See more




Announcement of the Organization of an International Conference

- The Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (the Department of Information and Communication Technology) intends to organize the second Arab Free Access Forum "Aqua", which is scheduled on October 19-20 th , 2021, N.B. The registration is via the forum website : https://org.alesco/ openaccessweek Please accept our utmost appreciation and respect.

Announcement See more




Announcement of application for training in three Indonesian Universities

- The Indonesian Embassy in Algeria announces training offers granted by three Indonesian universities, Information about the training offered, the date and terms of participation can be found in the attached documents...

Announcement See more




Government of India Scholarship Programme Announcement for the academic year 2021

- The Government of India announces a scholarship programme for students wishing to pursue their higher studies individually in India to obtain a Master's degree and a Doctorate...

Announcement See more




Islamic Development Bank announces a Call for Innovation for the year 2021

-The Islamic Development Bank announces a Call for Innovation for the year 2021; Under the theme ;Supporting resilience against the COVID-19 pandemic through innovation", the call for innovation is open to applicants until May 31 st ,2021





Announcement of the application for the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity Prize

- the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity of the European Council (North- South Centre) announces: Application for the 26th edition of the North-South Prize of the European Centre for Global Interdependence and Solidarity...

Announcement (correspondance)




Announcement of the 2022 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science International Award

- The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces a Call for application for the 2022 L’Oréal- UNESCO For Women in Science International Award

Announcement (correspondance)