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Dr. Younes Chouaib |
Methods and Strategies for Organising Remote Scientific Events in Algerian Universities |
Meeting Problematic
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Judeo-Christian religious reform in modern western societies: a reading of the starting points and results. |
Dr. Youssef El Ayeb |
Representations of the human conjoint in the French and Egyptian enlightenment thought during the 18th and 19th centuries. |
Dr. Mohamed Oujartni |
Cognitive common and bias problem in modern Islamic thought - an analytical approach |
Dr. Zoubida Tayeb |
Universal human values problem in the protestant and haskeley reform systems. |
Dr. Assia Chekireb Pr. Mohamed Boudebban |
The reformist dimension of the moral and ethical common in Christian and Islamic religious thought From John Calvin to Joseph Leclerc through his book: A History of Tolerance in the Age of Reform. |
Dr. Benmouffok chahinez soumaya |
European religious reform genealogy |
Dr. Ouided Bilami |
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Dr. Kamel El Orfi |
Ifta institutions in Algeria: Challenges and prospects. |
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Abderrahmane Khelfa S. Ahmed Saadi |
The necessity of considering shari’a objectives and their activating effect in the Islamic financial industry. |
Dr. Fadila Barech |
The reality of Islamic banking in Algeria between legislation and practice.
Pr. Ouassila Cheribet S. Salsabil Etayib |
The role of the Islamic development bank in financing foreign trade ( Case study of the Islamic Development Bank). |
Dr. Souad Rebbah S. Abderrahmane Djellab |
Takaful insurance and financial technology. |
Dr. Younes Chouaib S. Fouzi Keddari |
Efficiency of the regulations issued by Algeria Bank in managing the transitional phase for the integration of Islamic finance - Islamic windows as a model.-" |
Dr. Kamel El-Orfi |
Reservations contained in Islamic finance actions and the answer thereto. |
Dr. Younes Chouaib S. Louiza Boutrif |
The legal regulation of takaful insurance in Algeria between reality and development requirements, reading in Executive Decree No: 21-81.
Dr. Sarah Allali Dr. Tniou Kenza |
Dr. Tniou Kenza The role of Islamic finance in promoting financial inclusion as a strategic goal to achieve financial stability in light of the Corona pandemic.
Theme Two: "The Role of Islamic Finance in Achieving Financial Stability". |
Dr. Nadia Razi S.Fayçal Mzouar |
The legal legislations regulating the Islamic finance in Algeria. |
Dr. Kamel Bouchair Dr. Abdelkarim Yahyaoui |
The legal legislations regulating the Islamic finance in Algeria. |
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Dr. Noureddine Boukerdid | Towards an optimal control of the cities construction and housing construction in Algeria within the light of the rules of jurisprudence and the Shari’a purposes. |
Dr.Boubaker Baadache |
Meanings of city concept. |
Virtual national forum "Takaful Insurance in Algeria: Reality and Development Requirements", on May 24th , 2021.
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Dr. Noureddine Boukerdid |
Contemporary application of takaful insurance between its adjustment by jurisprudence and evoking shari'a goals' dimension. |
Dr.Okba Sahnoun | The experience of Saudi Arabia Kingdom in Takaful insurance within the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Global Takaful Insurance Market 2006-2020 |
Dr. Hafida Mebarek |
Regulating the practice of takaful insurance in Algeria under the executive Decree No. 21-81. |
Dr. Saida Boufaghes |
The endowment of takaful insurance premiums and its impact on attaining development. |
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Dr. Noureddine Boukerdid Dr. Mohamed Demman Debbih |
Virtual currencies in Islamic jurisprudence balance. |
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Dr. Saida Boufaghes |
The reception level in social media and its impact on the political awareness of the Algerian audience. |
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Dr. Noureddine Boukerdid |
Doctrinal reading of the laws of endowments’ management in Algerian legislation. |
Dr. Okba Sahnoun |
The role of the endowment in alleviating the general state budget burdens. |
Dr. Saida Boufaghes |
Endowment impact on attaining development- Contemporary models and applications. |
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Dr. Saida Boufaghes |
Creed science and its impact on supporting family stability - an applied study on Algerian family law |
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Dr. Noureddine Boukerdid |
Towards an optimal employment of legal and economic sciences in contemporary financial jurisprudence research. |
Dr. Soulef Lekiket | Controls and etiquette of issuing fatwas in financial cases on Internet. |
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Dr. Saida Boufaghes |
Civilizational advancement elements for Sheikh Al-Ghazali thought. |
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Dr. Saida Boufaghes |
Fragrant notes from the guidance of the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), in his dealing with his household. |
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Dr. Boubaker Baadache |
Linking the shari’a purposes lesson to the foundations of the holy Qur’an, book and sunnah speciality as a model. |
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Dr. Sonia Abed |
Public spending controls in the Islamic economy. . |
Dr Sahnoun Oukba |
The Algerian economic structure during the last decade. |
Dr. Mohamed Demman Debih |
The role of small and medium foundations in achieving economic development within the light of the oil collapse prices' challenges |
Dr.Chouaib Younous |
The role of Islamic instruments-"Sukuk"- in financing the national economy |
Dr.Hassiba Samira. |
Sustainable Islamic Finance Products |
Dr. Halima Bezzaz |
Investment funds between the positive and Islamic economy |
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Pr. Said Derradji. Semira Hassiba |
Banking reform through the Basel Conventions (1.2.3) and its effects on Islamic banks |
Pr. Sathi Djaber |
Islamic banks in the shadow of financial and banking crises )State of the GCC Banks). |
Pr. Bezaz Halima |
Managing the risks of both forms of financing by speculation and participation as a necessity to eliminate the practical obstacles to them |
Pr.Shouaib Yunus |
Islamic instruments-"Sukuk"-as an alternative to traditional tools in financing development projects |
Pr.Oukba Sahnoun |
"European sovereign debt crisis, causes and treatment efforts - evaluating study |
Pr. Mohcen Benhabib |
The repercussions of the global financial crisis on the economies of Arab countries |
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Pr. Said Derradji |
S'alam as an alternative loan technique in microfinance |
Pr. Sathi Souad |
The use of funds through Murabaha in Islamic banks |
Pr.Nacer Souleimen |
Islamic banks (definition, origin, specifications, financing formulas ...) |
Pr. Bezaz Halima |
Financial derivatives and their risks |
Pr. Sonia Abed |
Islamic finance for real estate, comparative study with interest finance for the same sector |
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Pr. Mohammed Farqani |
Algerian manuscripts in Tunisia's national library. |
Dr. Abdelhalim Tabet. |
Manuscripts of Emir Abdelkader University for Islamic Sciences.-Descriptive study -. |
Dr. Nassira Azroudi |
Algerian scientific manuscripts; monitoring and representing. |
Dr. Nabil Balhi |
Methodology for writing academic investigation preambles.- study in the hands of the manuscript. |
Abdelghani Issaoui |
Rules for achieving manuscripts and texts between bases and complements. - - |
Dr. Mokdad Frioui |
Manuscript cataloging. |
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Pr. Djmai Chebaiki |
Qur’anic maqasid between qur’anic discourse and reality |
Dr. Amir Cheribet |
Contemporary Quranic interpretation: text or interest? |
Dr. Redouane Lekhchine |
Features of the Holy Qur’an maqasid at the time of the companions and followers.
Pr. Laksir Younes |
The intentional interpretation in understanding Qur’anic text among the modernists - Mohammad Al-Sharafi as a model .-
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Dr. Nora Redjati Pr. Ameziane Ouassila |
Efforts of Sheikh Mohammad Al-Saleh Al-Siddiq in maqasid exegetical study through his book “Qur’an maqasid” _ Monotheism, beliefs, religion as Examples__ |
Dr. Khelfa Abderrahmane |
The impact of the intellectual context on determining the contents of the purposes of the Holy Qur’an for ancient and modern scholars. |
Abdelmotalib Ben Achoura Dr. |
The procedural employment of the Holy Qur’an’s maqasid between the street purpose and the human aim. |
Dr. Rabia Laouar |
The impact of Quranic maqasid on the verbal semantics - general semantics of Imam Al-Shatibi as a model - |
Dr. Yassine Boulhmar |
Quranic maqasid for the advanced and belated. |
Dr. Khecha Loubna |
Holy Qur’an maqasid and education in the book “ Interpretation of the Liberation and the Enlightenment” -“Tafsir al-ahrir wa al-Tanweer”- by Mohamed Tahar Ben Achour. |
Dr. Zahra Ben Ali |
The new resurrection of the Holy Qur’an maqasid according to Sheikh Mohammad Al-Ghazali through his book: The Five Axes of the Holy Qur’an. |
Dr. Hind Akni |
The relationship between the Qur’anic maqasid and the honorable prophetic sunnah - complementarity and effectiveness -- |
Dr. Abdelghani Aissaoui |
Demonstrating the great maqasid of the Holy Qur’an approach to the Qur’anic taqsid by Sheikh Mohamed Tahar Ben Achour. |
Pr. Fatiha Mohamed Bouchaala |
The necessity of activating the Qur’an maqasid and updating them according to current requirements.
Dr. Moudjari Djamila |
The new Quranic taqsid between sufficiency in inheritance and the necessity of addition. |
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Dr. Abdelmalek Ben Abbas |
Educational thought of Ibn Hazm |
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Dr. Ramdane Benbekhma |
The reality of journalistic practice and its controls on platforms and websites. |
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Dr. Sami Riyad Ben Chaalal |
Methodological defect in dealing with hadith in jurisprudence research. |
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Dr. Fatiha Mohamed Boucheala |
Texts of gathering Holy Qur’an, an orientalist vision - presentation and criticism – |
Dr. Youcef Laib |
The Syro-Aramaic reading of the Holy Qur’an, Christoph Luxenburg’s theory and its implications for Arab thought. |
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Pr. Zakia Menzel Ghraba |
Scientific documentation according to APA method. |
Dr. Ilyes Talha |
Documentary research, a conceptual approach. |
Dr. Meriem Rehmani |
Relationship of documentary research with other researches. |
Dr. Hiba Shaaoua |
Bibliography, concept and forms. |
Dr. Ouahiba Rouabah |
إDocumentation problematics in the classical method. |
T. Ouassila Merrahأ |
Evaluating documents’ conditions. |
S. Asma Beddala |
Documentation in scientific research according to the Harvard method. |
S. Ouissem Shaibi |
Scientific documentation according Chicago method. (CMoS) -- The seventeenth edition (17) of 2017. |
S. Maroua Hamza |
Documentary research sources, traditional and digital.
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Pr. Abderrahman Maâchi |
The holy Qur’an exegesis and its statement: - The concept and application for Mustapha Bouhandi- |
S. Mohamed Lamine Ibraken |
The deconstructive methodolgy and its implications for Christian scholars. |
S.Selma Boukeffa |
The philological approach and the religious text study "Its use and criticism" Christoph Luxenberg, through his book A Syriac Aramaic reading of Qur'an/ a contributes of the Qur'anic language analysis as a Model. |
Dr. Khaoula Djihed Dambri. |
The psychoanalysis method in criticising religious text - between scientificity of method and the specificity of text.
Dr. Marouan Maazi |
The intertextuality theory from literary texts to sacred texts.
S. Meriem Filali |
Islamic criticism for employing Western methodologies in sacred religious text - The Holy Qur’an - |
Dr. Abd Eldjalel Madi |
Jacques Derrida.. texts’ metaphysics criticism. |
S. Ben Fares Siline |
New history and its effect on reading the religious text. |
Dr. Ilyas Dekkar |
Rudolf Bultmann's approach to criticise the new era texts. |
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Pr. Bachir Kerdouci S. Naoual Bekhikh |
Wahhabi thought and its impact on Islamic society. |
Pr. Fateh Halimi S. Selma Boukeffa |
The New era movement, "Origin, definition, Most prominent representatives and most important beliefs"" |
S. Haddad Nour El-Imen |
Amish sect. |
Pr. Fateh Halimi S. Khadidja Djouada. |
Origins and development of " B'nai B'rith" sect and its religious and political impact on Islamic world. |
S. Rabia Kridi. |
Violence and extremism in the ideology of the “Gush Emunim “movement" |
S. Sonia Ouothmani |
Unitarians band - its role and beliefs- |
Pr. Bachir Kerdouci S. Fairouz Bibi |
Religious principles "a reading of the concept and the starting points"." |
Dr. Kamal Maazi. S. Mohamed Lamin Ibraken |
Transcendental meditation: Its truth, origins and effects. |
The training session problematic.
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Dr . Ouahida Boufdah Badisi |
Local radio and public service in Algeria. |
Dr. Bounaara Yasmina |
Public service in Algerian media legislation. |
Dr. Leila Filali |
Strategic planning of public radio communication. |
Dr. Leila Filali S.Yasser Bendjeloul |
Media treatment of the Syrian crisis in the International Algerian Radio - An Analytical Study of -Mountaha Assiyasa- Extremely politics mission as a model-" |
Mhira Bouthaina |
public service application principles in the local Algerian radio stations and their references. –between the commitment to the content of media legislation and the reality of professional practice - |
Dr. Ilyas Talha |
The reality of the public service in Radio Constantine (Cirta) Survey of the site Facebook Radio during the period 15 / 09-15 / 10/2018.Reality of public service in Constantine radio (Cirta), a survey study of Facebook website,radio during the period; September 15th /October 15th 2018. |
S. Lylia Rziouak |
The role of local radio in crisis management. -Constantine floods/ a model field study. - |
Dr.Zadi Leila. Dr. Hiba Shaoua |
Contribution of the Algerian Radio in raising and treating various internal crises - the traffic accident crisis as a model- |
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Pr. Zakia Menzel Ghraba. |
The use of media theories in Dawaa and media researches at Emir Abdelkader University, field researches as a model. |
Dr. Saliha Laabed. |
The procedural steps linking theory to scientific research in information and communication sciences field. |
Dr. Leila Filali |
Methodology of information and communication researches: between strategy application and the theoretical approach. |
Dr. Aissa Bouafia. |
" The concept of "theory" and concepts of common semantic field: entrance, approach, and model". |
Pr. ben bakhma ramdan. |
Theory as a systematic regulator of the researcher in a scientific study, theory of uses and saturations as a model. |
Dr. Bachir Bentabba |
The emergence of media theories and the contribution of scientific research for its construction. |
Dr. Bounaara Yasmine |
Theory importance in media and communication researches. |
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Pr. Aliouane Said S. Saima Boulfani |
The humanitarian purpose of love in Sufism and its role in activating civilized communication. |
Dr. Ammar Tastas S. Meriem Filali |
Francophone Sufism and its Implications in the Maghreb (Algeria and Morocco as a model). |
Dr. Khasha Loubna |
The sign semiotics and the phrase at Sufism, al-Hallaj poetry as a model. |
Dr.Ammar Kasi |
Sufi discourse between the phrase and the sign. |
Pr. Zahra Lahlah |
The human dimension in Sufi discourse, self-knowledge and awareness of the world-intentional approach- |
Dr. Ahcen Brama S. Omar Baghdadi |
Contribution of the mystical discourse to the activation of human values in the MiddleMaghreb. Abderrahman Thaâlibi- as a model- - |
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Pr. Abubakr Kafi |
Sahih Bukhari manuscripts and its different versions and copies in the modernist readings presentation and criticism. |
Dr. Sami Ryiad Ben Shaalal |
The investment of the shiit path in refuting sahih al bukhari and muslim for the modernist. -Critical vision- |
Dr. Abdelaziz Chelli |
Sahih Al-Bukhari the end of plagiarism myth in a book. |
Dr. Elyacine Ben Amiraoui |
Criticism and understanding of the prophetic Sunnah texts between the modernists and the modernists' readings. "Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim prophetic texts" |
Dr. Nabil Belhi |
Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim methodological flaws criticism in modernistic readings |
Dr. Mohamed Lamine Bourouba |
Sahih al-Bukhari book ..myth end author: Rachid Aylal -presentation and critisism |
Dr. Noureddine Toumi |
Answer to Sahih al-Bukhari registration lateness. |
Dr. Mohamed Ramdhani |
Utilising modernist discourse for modernists’ rules in the criticism of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim- -Presentation and criticism- |
Pr. Abdulmutallab Ben Achoura |
Sahîh al-Bukhari and Sahîh Muslim between the fundamentalist discourse and contemporary modernist thought. . |
Pr. Ammar Tastas |
Criticism of the modernistic reading plans of the Shari'a text |
Pr. Nasr Salman |
The modernists foundations in the appeal of Sahih Al-Bukhari |
Pr. Moukhtar Nassira |
The registration lateness of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim, justifiers and the suspicions raised about it. |
Dr. Abderrahim Tabet |
More"Akthar" book of Abu Huraira- Presentation and criticism- |
Dr. Maachi Abderrahmane |
The intellectual and methodological tenacity of the modernists in reading the prophetic sunnah -- Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim reading as a model- - |
Dr. Loubna Khacha |
(Al-Bukhari's felony of Zakaria Ozon), critical comparative reading, between semiotic and deconstructual interpretation. |
Dr. Fatiha Mohamed Bouchaala. |
Systematic flaws in modernists criticism of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim, Gamal Al-Banna books as model. |
Dr. Soulef Lekiket |
-The reality of codification of Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim between scholars of Hadith controls and the modernists’ suspicions. - |
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Dr.Ahcen Brama |
The position objectivity of speech science old and modern. |
Dr. Ahlem Belattar |
Ibn Khaldun's position on the science of speech and its characteristics. |
Dr. Zoubeida El-Tayib |
Human as a target in the new speech science. |
Dr. Abdelmalek Ben Abbas |
Kindy between philosophy and theology. |
Dr. Abdelmalek Ben Abbas |
Ibn Rushd's criticism of the speech science within the light of modernism. |
Dr. Abdelmalek Ben Abbas |
Contributions of Mustafa Sabri in the renewal of speech science. |
Dr. Abdelmalek Ben Abbas |
The problematic of the relationship between theology and mysticism. |
Dr. Nadjoua Mensouri. |
Speech science between acceptance and rejection, reading in the contents and goals. |
Pr. Said Aliouane |
Speech science renewing method for Taha Abdurrahman. |
S. Meriem Filali |
Ibn Khaldoun's position of the speech science: Is it a classification difficulty? or is it a views back off? -As a sample |
Pr. Redjati Nora
The relationship between speech and hadith sciences
Pr. Soualmi Fatima |
The relationship between speech and acknowledgment, is it an integration or contradiction relationship?. |
Dr. Ahcen Brama |
Guide to cosmology's occurrence and contemporary physics - a critical study - |
Dr.Said Aliouane |
Hacene Hanafi position of speech science. |
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Dr. Souad Rebbah |
Fatwa chaos through satellite channels and its role in right legal knowledge destabilization. |
Dr. Saad Tebinet |
Fatwa on satellite channels effects and controls. |
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Dr. Fatiha Mohamed Bouchaala. |
Civilizational and human dimensions in the prophetic discourse through the farewell sermon. |
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Dr. Fatiha Boucheala |
Stanley Lynn Paul's experience in dealing with the personality of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, a critical view. |
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Dr. Sami Riyad Benchalal | A critical view of the book entitled “Arabs Civilization”, by the orientalist doctor Gustave Le Bon. | ![]() |
Dr. Youcef Laib |
Orientalist criticism of the church’s position on Islam and seerah of the Prophet Muhammad - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - Laura Venezia Valerie as a model |
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Edited by" His Excellency The President of The Republic Mister Abdelaziz Bouteflika"
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Pr. Amiraoui Ahmida |
The position of Al-Mujahid newspaper on the issue of the Algerian Sahara separation. |
Pr. Allaoua Amara |
The Algerian revolution and university research in Algeria 1962-2012 |
Pr. Ismail Samai |
In Algeria Weapon speaks,tragedy and hope. |
Dr. Abdelmadjid Keddour |
The march of the Algerian liberation revolution in the writings of historian Yahia Bouaziz |
Dr. Noureddine Teniou |
Memory and testimony in writing the history of the Algerian revolution 1954-1962 |
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T. El yazid Belaamech |
The dialectic of heritage and modernity in reading the cognitive text and Arabic rhetoric as a model |
Dr. Amel Louati |
The Sufi text and the surreal transformation of Adonis, a reading in his book "Sufism and Syriac” |
T. Bencheikh El Houcine Riad |
The receiving approach in the literary discourse of Abu Abu al-Ala al-Maari |
Dr. Sakina Keddour |
The transformations of the Sufi symbol in contemporary Arabic poetry, Adonis and Ahmed El-Shahawi |
Dr. Dhabia Bourouiss |
Receiving the grammatical rule at the modern critics |
Dr. Naoual Boumaaza |
Features of the advertising discourse and its aesthetics in the art of maqama, a semiotic pragmatic reading in Maqamat Badi' al-Zaman al-Hamadhani. |
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Pr. El Djemai Chebaiki |
The Arabic language for non-native speakers from learning to acquisition |
Dr. Noureddine Teniou |
The Arabic language and identity in the globalization era |
Dr. Dhabia Bourouiss |
Linguistic and transpositional dimension of the Arabic language |
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Dr.Hichem Chawki |
Comparison between oral interpretation and Tamazight scriptural interpretation - a reading in the controls, problematics and proposals- |
Lkhdar Chakir |
Dialects' diversity and their impact in the translation of Qur’an into Tamazight language |
Dr.Fateh Halimi |
Dialects' diversity and their impact in the translation of Qur’an into Tamazight language |
Pr. Bachir Kerdoussi | Problems of translating the Qur'anic discourse |
Dr. Adel Mokrani |
Obstacles of the Holy Qur'an translation into Tamazight language |
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Dr. Mohamed Saleh Setti |
Ibn Ashour's interpretation of Surat Al-Hajj and its practical applications on pilgrim and umrah performer. |
Dr. Nadia Sekhan |
The role of media campaigns of the National Office of Hajj and Umrah in raising awareness of rituals’ purposes. |
Pr. Hedda Sabek S. Salsabil Nssira |
Hajj and Umrah purposes for Mohammad Al-taher Ibn Ashour. | |
Pr. Salman Nasr | The purposeful dimensions of ritual guidance within the light of some contemporary jurisprudential fatwas. | |
Dr. Rabi' Laouar | Purposes of Ihram clothes for those who go to the Holy Mosque. - an analytical study – - | |
Pr. Sami Ben Chaalal Pr. Mokhtar Nssira |
The purposeful indications in Hajj in hadith of Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him. | |
Pr. Noureddine Boukerdid | Towards an optimal activation and evocation of the economic purposes of Hajj. | |
Pr. Noureddine Sekhel | The purposeful dimension of Hajj and Umrah in the Holy Quran A fundamental study. | |
Pr. Rokia Bousnan | Modern digital programs and guides’ and pilgrims’ service, reality and expectation. | |
Pr. Zakia Menzel Gheraba Pr. Asia Chekireb |
Scientific and cultural purposes of Hajj and Umrah A field study on a sample of pilgrims and Umrah performers. | |
Pr. Souad Sathi | Manifestations of the objectives of facilitation and removal of embarrassment entrusted to women in the provisions of Hajj and Umrah. |
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Dr.Abderahmane Khelfa |
The Study of Qur'anic Exegesis by Sheikh Ibn Badis and His Role in Preserving Religious Authority |